Sunday, November 14, 2004

Oh instincts are misleading.. You shouldn't think what you're feeling...

Innumerable school projects, a college program I absolutely do not care for, a strange predisposition towards procrastination, a ridiculous amount of time spent listening to everything from the softest indie pop to the most brutal hardcore, Hunter S. Thompson's insane chemical-fueled ramblings, my growing dependency towards coffee, evenings spent with nothing but my guitar, vainly stabbing at the idea of writing that one song/riff that would somehow manage to convey the entire gamut of moods/emotions I've been going through lately, all while being totally fuckin' rockin' , visits to Montreal where nights are spent spooning with 2 of my bandmates (see pictures below) on the most inhumanely uncomfortable sofabed in existence, my (now resolved) unkemptness (again please consult pictures) and last but certainly not least, the elaboration of a ridiculously long sentence, mainly consisting of an overblown enumeration, are just a tiny sample of the things I've been up to lately. Honestly, I'd write more (yes, I do care that much about all three of you who read this) but I must be getting up in a matter of hours to go to work. I'll be back shortly, possibly with more of the pseudo-enigmatic existential babbling I brought up in that last post, potentially with a review the brand new Buried Inside record Chronoclast, because you simply need to experience it's majesty, but most assuredly with more pictures of me and the guys spooning.. oh yes, so sexy. No wait, forget that.


My then unshaven mug. The situation has since been rectified. Posted by Hello

Le spooning. Posted by Hello

Us again. We were just getting settled. Posted by Hello

The usual suspects: Carl, Max & JM (that's me for those of you not paying attention) Posted by Hello