The days bled into weeks and my resolution of maintaining a steady stream of quality content on this thing became but a vapid, insincere pipe-dream. Shit. As much as I try to condition myself otherwise, it seems I have to be in a very specific frame of mind to apply myself to writing in this thing, especially given the rather leisurely nature of it's specifics. So what's a quasi-compulsive procrastinator to do about such an impedance to productivity? That's dead simple. Convince his impressionable self to believe that writing a few paragraphs on some webpage read by a handful of people and three genetically engineered, hyper-intelligent porpoises located in New Zealand, can actually lead to him being less disenchanted and ambivalent towards all the other, possibly... no wait, assuredly more important things in his life. You know, sortof like a translation of interest and motivation? That makes sense right? I'm not completely loony am I? Either way.. onto some ramblings.
As most of you know, The Perfect Dystopia is dead.. it's funeral having taken place on February 25th 2005, at Club SAW, where a gaggle of people participated in a drunken barn dance to honor it's memory. Good times, my sincerest thanks to all who attended. But as you're all also aware of, City of a Hundred Spires has just sprung from the womb, alive and very much kicking. So you all know the deal by now, same line-up, same songs minus most of Straight, No Chaser, a slightly prettier, more atmospheric melodic slant and, brace yourselves kids, the inclusion of vocal parts! We'll be playing our first show as CoaHS in the coming weeks so keep an eye out on the old TPD site for news and show dates. The new songs we've been working on are sounding delightful, wrought with beautiful melodies, interesting dynamics and epic goodness. Seriously, I'm very proud of our progression as songwriters. I'll have more information on all of this very soon.
So it's around 3am right now, signifying that we're well into sunday and a few hours away from having dried out my vacation time. My last semester of studies in computer sciences shall be resumed tommorow, and serious... no... fucking downright biblical measures will be taken to insure my use of the word "last" in this sentence isn't straight fallacious. Sure, I despise computer sciences and I have a certain lack of interest for my end of session project, but I enjoy studying, I enjoy learning, reading, writing, critiquing, discussing, informing.. all positive things I have to look forward to once I'm through with this, and as stated before: that should be more than enough motivation to cleave through it with vigor and passion. Let this be my manifesto.
Finally, there's this other situation that's been looming over me for a certain period and for reasons of integrity and tact, I will not go into the immaculate details here. Blogs have a tendency of becoming the breeding ground for vile speculation and petty over-dramatizing when it's writers indulge in the all-too personal. I've mostly stayed clear of that and I shall continue. I feel there are more creative and fulfilling methods of confronting a subject than outright open-book ranting. Anyways, all I wish to iterate is that after what seemed like a snarling, vicious, obscenity-laden knife fight between my ego, id and super-ego, I've come to grips and have become comfortable with that which has been bothering me. All that is left is to make this clear to the parties involved, and see what results that ultimately brings. Someone wiser than me said it best: "... either way, we're here..." . Forgive my being so ambiguous, but I don't think I'd have it any other way. However, I am curious as to how many people will read this paragraph and wholly misinterpret it.
Okay... it's late and all these halos around the bright objects in my room are starting to annoy the hell out of me. I hope everyone has a nice and pleasant March 6th and I will be back with something on Wednesday, no shit. In the meantime go listen to the Album Leaf, Lou Barlow, the new live Mogwai record, Bloc Party and Mono. Oh and go watch I (heart) Huckabees, it'll cheer you up. Cheers.
Sunday, March 06, 2005
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