Monday, February 11, 2008

1 - What honest words can't you afford to say?

Oh, sweet focus where have you gone? I think I have completely lost my ability to get any work done without being distracted by an infinite number of things. It's not that I don't want to get things done, but I'm starting to feel that I don't know how! Frightening. I have a week off coming up, so consequently this week promises to be pure hell, with a variety of hurdles that will necessitate overcoming. I suppose I will resort to the tried (and maybe not so true) method of making a list of things that I need to accomplish before the week is out. I need to put things into perspective (how many times have I typed that into this box before?) and figure out ways of motivating myself.


Things to do:

1) Finishing considerably late paper for Globalization class. Due: ASAP
2) Studying for History exam... i.e. catching up on all the readings I haven't done. Due: Tuesday night at 6pm
3) Finishing John Hersey's Hiroshima (3 chapters left.) Due: Wednesday morning
4) Practicing for Music for Dummies exam. Due: Thursday morning
5) Writing final draft of my Coney Island piece for Literary Non-Fiction class. Due: Friday (read: Thursday before 6pm)
6) Shoveling the snow in the alleyway and getting my car out of there. Due: Thursday before 6pm
7) Eating. Due: Every day
8) Staying sane. Due: Every other day

Things to look forward to:

1) Graveyard of Ships mixes by week's end
2) City of a Hundred Spires band practice on Thursday (fuck you Valentine's day)
3) Thrice show on Saturday
4) Hang outs
5) Movie watching
6) Photo adventures
7) Reading
8) Lost
9) Autumn

Okay. We have perspective. We have an outline clearly laid out in front of us. Bloodshot eyes, cold feet and colder hands are not an excuse. By the end of tonight I have to scratch at least one element off of the top list. Here we go.

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