Monday, January 24, 2005

Us again.. this one vaguely homo-erotic.. Posted by Hello

Well, well if it ain't us... Posted by Hello

Friday, January 21, 2005

A brief update before I return...

Well woah... I haven't been around these parts in quite awhile. I figured I'd just specify that I am still amongst the living (albeit barely) and that I'll be doing a nice lengthy update of this in the coming days. One of my many New Year's resolutions is to practice writing more, so I'll be updating this entirely more often, with constructive, informative and immensely thrilling content on a semi-regular basis, rejoice! So yeah, cheers to everyone and I do sincerely hope everyone is doing good. Oh yeah, although I'm very conscious that I am very much behind on this, everyone should go listen to Mineral's The Power of Failing right this instant. Yes that's right, close this window, fire up soulseek and download away, you can all thank me later.