Tuesday, October 19, 2004

With this song I will destroy myself..

Well hey there people. It would seem that I've yet to prove that I am a man of my word seeing as it's been, once again, more than a full week since I last updated this thing. My apologies to those of you who care. I had a pretty uneventful week, so no lyrical tales of grandiose road trips or music induced epiphanies this time. However I have something of an announcement to make for those of you that might have the unexplainable urge to read this site rather than my band's homepage. We, The Perfect Dystopia, have a show coming up this friday, at the Bosco Campus of the Université du Québec en Outaouais, located at 101 St. Jean Bosco in Hull. The show is at 8:00 pm, we're opening and tickets at the door are 6$. I would strongly suggest that if you have even the vaguest interest in TPD, that you come out to this. As of late, jam's have been fruitful, new songs have been written, we've become tighter and better performers than we ever were.. in essence, we have ascended to the level of musical behemoths, capable of unleashing untold aural destruction upon unsuspecting scenesters and hipster kids.. oh yes. That and we're damn sexy to boot. So yeah, come to the show, hang out with us before or after the onslaught.. and we promise to put on a damn good performance, complete with a new song and maybe even a cover.

Alright well, I have a radio show to do in a few minutes, so I'll once again leave you with a few musical recommendations.

- Moneen show at Babylon on wednesday evening (great band.. chances are I'll be there)
- Jimmy Eat World - Futures (Amazing cd.. Kill and 23 are already some of my favorite songs)
- Isis - Panopticon (Brilliant stuff.. more accessible than the older stuff, but it still rules)
- Breather Resist - Charmer (Amazing math-core.. possibly the second coming of Botch)

Cheers, take care and all that jazz..

P.S. Tentative titles for the new song include, but aren't limited to: I am now an alcoholic because I loved you, I am now a crack fiend because you never returned my calls, Pythagoras' Theorem is Bullshit and last but certainly not least, I write complicated math-rock songs to forget the time we spent together... ok no, I kid, we're not actually considering any of those titles.. they were just pitched around the jam space as a joke ;)

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